Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Double Whammy

Yesterday was a Double Whammy.  And in a good way.  First, the girls got to decorate their own personal Christmas trees (a tradition I think we will continue from here on out).  They had a blast, I had a blast and we now have a bit more Christmas cheer in the house.  Which could use it, since it is 90 degrees outside and it is feeling a bit more like time to head to the beach, than time to celebrate the holidays.

And then, right in the middle of all of our fun - things got even better!  B's cousin (who is more like a brother) showed up and spent a few precious hours with us and the girls.  How much better can the day get???

It got better when Andres pulled out presents for the girls!  They will probably not take out their new earrings until Dani and Andres come back to see us again.  The girls loved them and we thank you for making them so happy just by being you!  (Well, Stinkerbell did warm up towards the end at least).  

Double Whammy?  Double Blessed!

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