Sunday, September 4, 2011

To Do:

On Sunday's, usually before lunch, I sit down and write down all the things that come to my mind that I have to do in the coming week.  It is free flowing, in no particular order and is a jumbled mess by the time I am done.  I spend only about 5-10 minutes on it and then walk away from it.  I do jot things on it during the day if something pops into my head, but I don't think about it much...until later.  When the kids are in bed and B is upstairs beginning his work week (yes, it starts on Sunday night with emails and catch up work), I revisit the mess that I have jotted down just hours before and try to put it in some semblance of an order.  I start with the MUST'S and move to the Would Like's and end with the You are dreaming if you think this can be accomplished this week's.  It is still before dinner time here so I haven't revised as of yet, but here is the jumbled heap of a To Do list that is my week ahead...I am tired just thinking about putting it in order, much less accomplishing anything on it...

To Do: 

  • Dr. Rossi - 2 pm on Tuesday - get all records and films together
  • Buy MadHatter traditional Chilean outfit for Fiesta at school on Tuesday
  • Remind B about being at MadHatter's Fiesta at 11 on Tuesday
  • Electrician coming Tuesday - mark all outlets that are blown, not working or just crazy.  Mark all switches that don't work or seem to control anything.
  • Fix Outlook (says I need to reinstall, again)
  • Finish taping off and painting Stinkerbell's closet doors
  • Touch up the painting in the kids play room
  • Start taping to paint our bedroom
  • Finish MyPublisher book of our trip to Caribbean
  • Order camera - get address from B on where he is staying on his trip to U.S. so I can send things.  Make sure to order all accessories too.
  • Order Shout gel (can't get it here in Chile)
  • Do laundry that Nani is not allowed to do
  • Teach Nani how to do laundry (no, I am not kidding)
  • Confirm change in dates and times on my Spanish lessons
  • Study said Spanish
  • Buy wine
  • Shop for swing set for girls christmas present...try Sodimac, online and post on facebook group
  • Update i-Tunes with running music.  Download to iPhone a new running playlist.
  • Sign up for 10K - - by Thursday
  • Swim lessons for both kids - do I want to do at home or at Mall Sport?  Somewhere else?  Soon!!!
  • Find a gymnastics or dance class for MadHatter. Stinkerbell too?
  • Find solution for pictures on stairwell.  Must be done this week as need to order from U.S.
  • Borrow sleds for Saturday mountain trip
  • Finish budget asap.
  • Playdate with N for MadHatter this week?  Call K.
  • Post highchair, outgrown toys and pool fence on mercadolibre.  Write out descriptions and have B translate.
  • Find something to clean the shower head in our shower - equivalent of CLR.  Do they have it here?
  • Call Lu.
  • Weed through kids winter clothes.  Box up MadHatter's hand me downs, donate Stinkerbell's.  Pull out the boxed spring/summer clothes and weed through.  
  • Shop for summer clothes online in U.S. and ship asap to get to B in time to bring home.
  • Friday cocktails at our house???
  • Find directions to Apumanque Mall - kids haircuts.
  • Sleep.
I think I will head out for a playdate instead of working on this...Sounds like a lot more fun.

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