To Do:
- Dr. Rossi - 2 pm on Tuesday - get all records and films together
- Buy MadHatter traditional Chilean outfit for Fiesta at school on Tuesday
- Remind B about being at MadHatter's Fiesta at 11 on Tuesday
- Electrician coming Tuesday - mark all outlets that are blown, not working or just crazy. Mark all switches that don't work or seem to control anything.
- Fix Outlook (says I need to reinstall, again)
- Finish taping off and painting Stinkerbell's closet doors
- Touch up the painting in the kids play room
- Start taping to paint our bedroom
- Finish MyPublisher book of our trip to Caribbean
- Order camera - get address from B on where he is staying on his trip to U.S. so I can send things. Make sure to order all accessories too.
- Order Shout gel (can't get it here in Chile)
- Do laundry that Nani is not allowed to do
- Teach Nani how to do laundry (no, I am not kidding)
- Confirm change in dates and times on my Spanish lessons
- Study said Spanish
- Buy wine
- Shop for swing set for girls christmas present...try Sodimac, online and post on facebook group
- Update i-Tunes with running music. Download to iPhone a new running playlist.
- Sign up for 10K - - by Thursday
- Swim lessons for both kids - do I want to do at home or at Mall Sport? Somewhere else? Soon!!!
- Find a gymnastics or dance class for MadHatter. Stinkerbell too?
- Find solution for pictures on stairwell. Must be done this week as need to order from U.S.
- Borrow sleds for Saturday mountain trip
- Finish budget asap.
- Playdate with N for MadHatter this week? Call K.
- Post highchair, outgrown toys and pool fence on mercadolibre. Write out descriptions and have B translate.
- Find something to clean the shower head in our shower - equivalent of CLR. Do they have it here?
- Call Lu.
- Weed through kids winter clothes. Box up MadHatter's hand me downs, donate Stinkerbell's. Pull out the boxed spring/summer clothes and weed through.
- Shop for summer clothes online in U.S. and ship asap to get to B in time to bring home.
- Friday cocktails at our house???
- Find directions to Apumanque Mall - kids haircuts.
- Sleep.
I think I will head out for a playdate instead of working on this...Sounds like a lot more fun.
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