Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Duran Duran

The music of the 80's is the soundtrack to my teenage years.  A couple of notes into any song  and I am transported back to small town Illinois and that awkward, overly emotional teenager that I was for the better part of a decade.  I was a loner surrounded by friends.  {Still am}  I craved the company of others because I didn't like what went on in my own mind when confronted by the silence of my own bedroom.  But I didn't know how to still the ramblings of a young mind that wasn't fully developed yet so I turned to music.  Like so many others, music was a lifeline to me.  Lyrics from my favorite bands put to words what I was feeling but just couldn't find a way to say out loud.  It kept me sane.  I used to sit in my room for hours listening over and over to my 10" singles or the stack of tapes I had acquired.  (Wow, that dated me).  Sometimes I would have company, but mostly it was just me and my music.  It was, and still is, a way for me to escape. I grew up but my taste in music, evolved though it has, still has a special place for the 80's.

So when I found out that Duran Duran was coming to my new hometown I knew I would have to be in the audience.   And how great would it be if a few of my friends would join me!  But wait.  I haven't known them long enough to know if my obsession with 80's bands is their obsession with 80's bands. What the heck - I threw caution to the winds and it ended up that each and every one of them loved Duran Duran.  And the 80's.   We had a date!

Last night was the concert.  We almost missed it.  Only in Chile would they change the venue of the concert less than two weeks before the actual date.  And then forget to inform you of said change.  My first message yesterday morning was from M stating that the concert venue had changed and did we need to change pick up times.  I first thought that she was crazy - a venue change?  Last minute?  And no one was informed?  Not likely.  And then I remembered I was in Chile so I looked it up online.  Sure enough, they had moved us to a theater about 10 miles away and 5000 seats smaller.

And to top it off, we had it was a general admission concert.  I know in the U.S. that there are theatres that have general admission seats.  But that is in addition to the numbered, reserved seats for those that want to pay more for the luxury.  Here, general admission means that the entire concert audience has the same ticket.  You will be seated first come, first served.  And when you are talking in excess of 10.000 people, it can become quite a jam... traffic jam, not music jam.

We got there a bit late...about 10 minutes before the band took the stage.  We should know better.  We are all seasoned concert goers.  But we were having too much fun at  D's house and then in the cabs.  But we made it in, found a seat and proceeded to dance the night away. (In our back row seats).

It was fabulous.  It brought back a lot of memories.  Some great {Kim - we used to jam in your bedroom to Save a addition to all the others} and some bittersweet {Scott and I used  to walk the "runway" to Girls on Film before he passed.  Before the accident.}  There are some great memories from my past tied to these old Duran Duran songs.

But now I can say there are some great new memories tied to them too.

I feel like I am 14 going on 40.

Bring it on!!!  You make me feel alive, alive, alive....

 Three videos for you (not the best quality since it was taken on my phone). One for each decade we have survived past the 80's!!!


  1. Looks like so much fun :) Glad you got a little reprieve!

  2. So glad I got to be a part of the fun! Will never forget my first concert in Chile!
