Friday, November 22, 2013

Stress and the Expat

I am a stress eater.  And drinker.  And sloth.  (Is being an alcoholic stress sloth a real thing?)  And not necessarily in that order, but it does seem to follow a pattern.

First, when there are copious amounts of stress in my life, I tend to munch...on chips (which usually aren't my go to), chocolate, warm rolls, pasta, the girls leftovers, Halloween candy...You get the idea.  And to that, I also tend to add a couple of glasses of wine, or a gin and tonic or two.  While doing nothing productive.  Nothing at all.

With two kids, just 18 months apart, and both still under the age of 6 and the fact that we live 6000 miles away from family and long term friends, in a place where the language can still throw me for a loop at the best of times, I wonder why, all of a sudden, I feel uber-stressed out.   You would think that I would be used to it by now.  But such is not the case.  For some reason, 3 years into our stay here in Chile, I am stressed and I am working on a way to handle it.  Usually, I love running - but right now, even that doesn't sound like fun.  Usually, I love taking photographs...but I haven't really picked up my camera in weeks.  Usually, writing is my cure all:  the thing I go to when all else fails.  But you can see from the quality and quantity of my posts, even that hasn't worked.

I will be back to writing soon.  I promise.

Just wanted to give you a quick update to know that I hadn't forgotten you all...

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