Saturday, November 17, 2012


After our trip to Machu Picchu we headed to the coast of Peru for the week. B was heading to work, my parents were heading to see dear family friends and the girls and I just tagged along because we could.  I am trying to take advantage of the fact that this is the last year (8 months really) that we aren't beholden to school schedules and their imposed vacations.  We can still pick up and travel when we want, so we do.

Lima was not really a vacation as much as it was a big long "shopping, lunch, dinner, repeat" date.  You see, my dad worked in this part of the world for the better part of his 40 year career.  He has made some very good friends that he then introduced to my mom.  They used to get down this way on a more regular basis but now that he is retired, he hasn't had the opportunity.  And when he does, he comes to Chile to see us.  This was the first time since his retirement party that he would be back.  Which means many invitations to get together and have a drink, a lunch, a dinner.  And luckily I got to tag along for the fun.  And in doing so, I made some new friends that I hope will be in my life for the duration.

Her new best friend - Cuy

Grampa and MadHatter at the ocean.
The Llama outside our hotel.
We were guests at a Peruvian Horse show!  Front row and fabulous.

We got all dolled up for dinner.
Old and dear friends!  One of the best lunches I have had the privilege of being invited to.  The food was out of this world as was the company.
Fast friends.  Maybe they can be doing this 40 years from now too.

The view from the park 2 blocks from the hotel.

Boy do they love their park days.

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