When you have more than one child, you sometimes feel like your house is, more often than not, an infirmary. Everyone who has children knows what I am talking about, as kids seem to pick up every germ bug that is floating around out there. It's like a twisted take on collecting and trading Pokemon cards. They get a couple, then feel the need to see what others have and trade their boring old ones for new and seemingly more exciting ones. And for those of you with more than one child, you will truly understand when I say that the number of illnesses seems to be tripled by each new child you bring home. Quadruple that if you have two that are still toddlers. There is always one that is getting sick, is currently sick, or is just getting over being sick. Especially in the winter. Especially when one or more of them is in pre-school.
We have had a run of colds and fevers and what not in this house during the two months that we have been here. In fact, I don't think Stinkerbell's nose has stopped running since we crossed into South American airspace. But then again, it hadn't stopped running for the past 3 months we were in the U.S. either. At least in the U.S. the cold and flu season was coming to an end. We were starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Here, the season is just starting - lucky us. If I was really lucky, the germs and viruses here would be the same as the ones the girls had just gone through. The ones that their immune systems had already built up an immunity to. I am not that lucky. We are dealing with a whole slew of new germs, bugs and allergies. And in true childlike fashion, they would like to try each one of them on for size.
This week we have had a fever for Stinkerbell (she is cutting 4 molars simultaneously so that might have something to do with it), a hacking cough we can't get rid of and that runny nose. MadHatter had been doing ok except for her usual allergies (which is a whole new thing here since all the plants and weeds and trees are different) but now she has had her inaugural doctor's visit to diagnose a nasty case of Impetigo on her chest. Meaning we will be quarantined for the weekend and no school for MadHatter from Wednesday on. All while B is on a two week trip. Of course. And I have to try to keep them from infecting each other so that we might be able to leave the house before the summer solstice (and remember, that is 6 months away for us in the southern hemisphere). I hear all you mother's out there trying to stifle your laughter and snorts as you think I am just fooling myself...Of course they will share it with each other (even though I can't get them to share anything else). I know this as well as you do but I have to keep the hope alive, no matter how delusional I may seem.
I guess it isn't all so bad. I get to spend some quality time with my girls for the next few days. And it is gettting colder here so we didn't have any big plans to head outdoors anyway. On the way home from the doctor's office we stopped at the Libreria and picked up a ton of art supplies. I suspect we are in for a lot of coloring, cutting and creating this weekend. Throw in a movie or two, some board games (make that game - we seem to only play Memory lately) and a ton of books to read. In fact, when put that way, maybe I am lucky we are stuck in the house. It sounds like fun. Check back with me Monday...
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