This will be the first post in a my Spring Break Series. We had the past 10 days off of school (7 of them off of work for B) and I was determined that we would have fun. Or make ourselves very tired trying. So what did I have planned?
For starters, I decided to keep the little ladies of the house home on the Friday before vacation started. It was an executive decision that didn't take more than a couple of seconds to make. The girls showed up in my room at 7:30 telling me their lights turned green and they were ready for breakfast. I wasn't. That is when I decided why not take a skip day. They are in preschool after all. A day here or there away from school will not hurt. And it is the last year I can make these decisions willy nilly. Next year I am beholden to a school schedule. Froot Loops and juice boxes in bed it was. The T.V. blaring Doctora Jugetes and all the while my eyes stayed closed for just a few more minutes. No rushing through breakfast. No fighting about what was appropriate to wear to school. No time table. Just a promise of a few more snuggles in Mommy's big bed.
I finally sauntered out of bed and announced that we would be picnicking in the park that afternoon. While I went to make some lunches the girls were allowed to go upstairs and pick out their own outfits. {They did pretty good if I say so myself}.
We headed out to Parque Araucano which is not our usual park but is still one of our favorites. The girls love the fact that it has 3 distinct play areas (though there is a whole other side to the park, this side is their favorite) and they love that they can switch from climbing, to swinging, to sliding all without having to ask! I am within sight of all three areas at all times.
Finally, we had to get home. We had a dinner to get to that night and one that shall not be named (Stinkerbell) still had to get a short nap in or she would be a handful at said dinner. So we started the slow walk out of the park - and discovered the painted benches. A huge row - double sided - or benches that had been painted by kids for the Teletón (Think Jerry Lewis - on a larger scale). They had to see them all...And who was I to say they shouldn't. So we did.
What a great way to start Spring Break - Chile style...
The favorite swing at the park! |
Nothing better than a picnic. |
Relaxing after lunch. |
Goofing off with my sunglasses! |
And the park benches...I didn't have a lot of time for pictures but I happened to snap a few...
Bye Bye Parque! Hope to see you again soon! |
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